About Us
Lifting, Moving & Rigging Equipment

What we do
Mass Hire specialises in providing superior lifting solutions to construction sites throughout Australia. We are known for our exceptionally high standards when it comes to using the latest lifting technology, ensuring a seamless solution for client projects every step of the way.
Having a wealth of combined experience, our team of experts understand better than anyone the importance of using a reliable fleet of machinery to get the job done. With the ability to supply Crane Hire, Vaccum Lifting Equipment and Material Handling Equipment that suit projects of all sizes, we are proud to be a trusted name throughout Australia’s building and construction sector.
Taking you higher

Management Plan
A Site Safety Plan is developed for every Mass Hire project prior to works commencing and is maintained for the duration of each project.
This Plan sets out the framework for safety planning on this project consistent with Mass Hire Policies and Procedures. It outlines the projects safety structure, delegation of responsibilities and site safety rules.
The requirements of this plan apply to all activities undertaken by MassHire on this site. This includes all activities of subcontractors, suppliers and consultants.
All employees are inducted into this plan and are made aware of its location should they wish to refer to it at any time. Revisions of the plan are notified to relevant personnel.
Mass Hire and its officers recognise that the health and safety of all workers and visitors is of the utmost importance and vital to the success of our business. As such we aim to continuously improve health and safety in the workplace through consultation and increased health and safety awareness of management and workers.
Through the co-operative efforts of management and workers, we are committed to:
- providing a safe environment for all workers and visitors to our workplace;
- providing and maintaining buildings, plant and equipment in safe working condition;
- supporting the on-going training and assessment of workers;
- developing, implementing and monitoring safe work practices;
- continuously improving the standards of health and safety in the workplace;
- managing risks in the workplace; and
- providing information, instruction and supervision.
The focus of Mass Hire health and safety management system is preventing hazards. We will develop a framework for health and safety management and a plan for systematic risk assessment and control of hazards, to progressively improve safe behaviours and safe systems of work across the business.
Authorised by:
Sam Maranzano
Mass Hire is committed to providing and maintaining a safe working environment without ever compromising the Health and Safety of Employees, our Customers or the Community.
We will ensure that our daily operations comply with all relevant laws and with the Company’s OH & S requirements.
All Managers, Supervisors and Contractors are expected to demonstrate an uncompromising commitment to the principles and are accountable for the Health and Safety performance in their areas.
All Employees have a responsibility to follow legislation, safe working procedures and to report hazards to their supervisors.
By adopting a proactive approach and a consultative process we will:
- Strive to continually improve OHS performance
- Establish measurable OHS objectives and targets.
- Identify risks, develop strategies and take appropriate corrective actions to reduce the prospect of harm to our employees, contractors and visitors.
- Train all employees in safe working practices.
- Promote good health programs.
- Facilitate and assist employees with relevant worker’s compensation procedures.
- Help any injured employees return to preinjury duties through a formal back to work rehabilitation program.
- Create environment and support processes that will encourage employees to participate in the improvement of their site’s safety performance.
Authorised by:
Sam Maranzano
All Mass Lift operations will be undertaken in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner.
We will ensure that our daily operations comply with all relevant Environmental Protection Laws and with Company Environmental Requirements.
All managers and Supervisors are expected to demonstrate a commitment to these principles and are accountable for conserving the use of energy and water in their areas and for acting as necessary to protect their immediate environment.
All Managers, supervisors and employees will adopt a consultative and proactive approach.
We will
- continually reduce the environmental footprint of our business
- ensure that prevention and emergency response measures are in place to protect our immediate surroundings.
- strive to minimize the energy consumption in all our operations.
- actively seek to use energy forms, which will reduce carbon emissions.
- actively seek to increase the use of renewable energy.
- actively seek to reduce energy consumption through the design of our products.
- give preference to suppliers who pursue similar environmental practices.
- create a culture, which encourages staff to participate in the improvement of our Company’s environmental performance.
Authorised by:
Sam Maranzano
Mass Hire considers all forms of harassment and discrimination to be unacceptable behaviour which will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
Everyone has the right to work in an environment free of harassment and discrimination. All employees have the responsibility to ensure they respect the rights of their fellow employees.
Mass Hire is committed to the prevention and elimination of harassment and discrimination in the workplace, including but not limited too.
Behaviour which disadvantages some people or advantages others based on:
- gender
- race, colour, or national origin
- age
- physical, mental or intellectual disability
- sexual preference
- pregnancy or potential pregnancy
- marital status
- family responsibilities and/or parental/carer status
- Religious or political beliefs.
Behaviour that makes a person feel threatened, offended, humiliated, patronised or uncomfortable including:
- jokes or ridicule about a person’s race, religious beliefs, social customs, political beliefs, physical attributes, sexual orientation, disability etc.
- derogative name calling
- ostracism
- swearing
- using physical presence to intimidate
- inappropriate pictures or magazines
- stalking
- All reports of harassment and discrimination will be treated seriously and sympathetically and will be acted upon quickly.
Mass Hire believes that everyone within the Mass Hire Family should be treated fairly and with respect.
Authorised by:
Sam Maranzano
Mass Hire acknowledges that in our work environment, alcohol and drug abuse can have significant economic, health and safety impacts.
The following principles underpin Mass Hire procedures for managing safety in respect of alcohol and drug use:
- consumption of alcohol on site is strictly prohibited.
- consumption of drugs (other than prescribed drugs) is strictly prohibited at any site. Mass Hire will monitor and, where necessary, alter work activities of any worker who is temporarily required to take legally prescribed drugs that are likely to impair the worker or affect their ability to work safely. The use of prescription drugs is to be disclosed if the doctor, or the drug packaging, advises that the individual’s ability to perform their job is likely to be impaired in any way.
- any person believed to be affected by alcohol or non-prescription drugs will not be allowed to enter or remain at any Mass Hire Mass Hire managers and supervisors have authority to take necessary corrective and disciplinary action where the use of illegal substances is evident.
- the site safety committee and or OHS Representative are to be consulted, where relevant, in situations involving an employee or worker suspected of being alcohol or drug affected. Mass Hire policy is that site and personal safety comes first including ensuring that an affected person is safely conveyed to their residence.
- Mass Hire will assist employees with counseling and treatment, but repeat incidents will give rise to disciplinary action including, as a last resort, dismissal.
Mass Hire believes in providing a safe workplace for its employees, subcontractors and the community in which it operates.
Authorised by:
Sam Maranzano
Mass Lift ensures that hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control (HIRAC) processes and conducted and documented.
Risk Assessment Procedure
Mass Lift will assess all risks by referring to the categories in the matrix below.
Step 1: Identify the consequence for each potential risk by using the table below. Note: If a combination of harm, loss or damage could occur the worst case consequence is selected.
Step 2: Using the following table, determine how likely it is that the risk will occur and result in the consequence identified above.
Step 3: Using the risk matrix below, identify the risk class/ranking taking into account known information and having regard to the identified levels of risk.
Risk Control and Evaluation of Effectiveness
In order to minimise risk to the lowest level reasonably practicable the following hierarchy of control is adopted by Mass Lift:
A combination of the above measures may be required to minimise the risk to the lowest level reasonably practicable if no single measure is sufficient for that purpose. It should be noted that the best solution possible should be implemented, as the further you move down the options the opportunity for human error, mistakes and violations tends to increase.
The residual risk rating for each potential hazard must be as low as reasonably practicable based on the hierarchy of control above.
- WR15 Walkie Reach Stacker
- TP Glass Vacuum
- TP Crane
- Minifor TR50
- MFC 750 k Mini Floor Crane
- MC285C-2
- MC-405C
- MC-305C
- MC-285C-3
- MC-174C
- LC-785
- Glass Vacuum Manipulator – 600 kg
- Glass Vacuum Lifter 635 kg Spider
- Glass Vacuum Lifter – 800 kg Spider
- Glass Vacuum Lifter – 320 kg Inline
- Glass Robot 575 kg
- Electric Pallet Jack
- Blog